Saturday, March 30, 2019


Oleh: R. Ahmad Nur Kholis, M.Pd

Secara tidak sengaja tadi malam, (30/03/2019) sehabis maghrib saya melihat debat calon presiden putaran keempat. Saya nonton televisi ini sungguh di luar rencana saya, karena saya awalnya akan mengikuti pengajian rutin di masjid Jami’ Baiturrahman Kepanjen. Karena kiai yang mengisi pengajian tidak hadir, maka pengajian menjadi kosong. Dan pulanglah saya kembali ke rumah.
Melihat debat calon presiden tadi malam, ada yang menarik hati saya dari ungkapan kandidat nomor 1, yakni pak Joko Widodo yang mengatakan pada intinya bahwa: “menurut laporan intelejen, diprediksi bahwa sampai dengan 20 tahun lagi tidak akan terjadi perang.” Pernyataan ini lalu menjadi bahan bagi kandidat nomor 2 yakni pak Prabowo untuk ‘menyerang’. Pak Prabowo lalu mengungkapkan pengalamannya ketika memulai karir sebagai tentara pada tahun 1974. Ia mengatakan bahwa menurut para jenderalnya, diramalkan bahwa sampai 20 tahun lagi tidak terjadi perang. Dan kenyataannya setahun kemudian yakni pada 1975, Indonesia perang di Timor Timur. Saya ingat peristiwa ‘timor timur’ itu pernah saya dari buku sejarah. Yakni antara pro integrasi dan fretelin yang pro kemerdekaan.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Enhancing engineering education in the elementary school

The Next Generation Science Standards emphasizes the inclusion of engineering practices throughout the K–12 science curriculum. Therefore, elementary educators need to be knowledgeable about engineering and engineering careers so that they can expose their students to engineering. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of engineering professional development on in‐service elementary teachers’: (a) knowledge and perceptions regarding engineering, and (b) self‐efficacy of teaching engineering. This quantitative study revealed that even one professional development opportunity can help to alleviate some misconceptions about the work of engineers and what constitutes technology, as well as increase teachers’ confidence to teach engineering concepts.

Integrated STEM in practice: Learning from Montessori philosophies and practices

In theory, STEM (interdisciplinary science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is cross‐disciplinary and situated in real‐world problem‐solving contexts. In practice, STEM disciplines are often implemented separately using contrived contexts. This paper examines theoretical and empirical aspects of Montessori middle school science in the United States, and its alignment with the conceptual framework of integrated STEM. We selected Montessori adolescent environments because the Montessori philosophy involves interdisciplinary application contextualized in purposeful work and learning. Our research sought to investigate how Montessori middle schools have designed their science programs, and to situate these findings within the current landscape of STEM education and reform‐based science. Based on the results of our survey of 96 U.S. Montessori middle schools, we argue Montessori offers an integrated educational approach that meaningfully situates academic disciplines to mirror local and global challenges, well supported by theory and literature on STEM and situated learning theories. We assert that integrated STEM happens organically in many Montessori middle schools, and takes place through authentic work in communities of practice. Our research communicates the value of looking outside traditional school settings to examine alternative formal education spaces, like Montessori classrooms where integrated STEM happens organically.

The impact of an out‐of‐school STEM education program on students’ attitudes toward STEM and STEM careers

There is an increasing awareness of out‐of‐school program value in enhancing student interest and understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This study examined the impact of an out‐of‐school STEM education program on student attitudes toward STEM disciplines and STEM careers. A STEM education program implemented at a public research university was designed to integrate STEM disciplines with hands‐on problem‐based activities. Design features included authentic learning contexts, engineering design processes, and content integration. Data sources included an attitude survey and interviews conducted with forty sixth grade middle school student participants. The analysis revealed significant differences between pre and posttests on student attitudes toward personal and social implications of STEM, science and engineering learning, and their relationship to STEM. Findings showed that the program contributed to students’ developing interest in STEM fields, and helped them make connections between schoolwork and daily lives. Recommendations for future research on out‐of‐school STEM education programs were discussed.

Elementary teachers’ mathematical beliefs and mathematics anxiety: How do they shape instructional practices?

This quantitative study investigated the relationships among practicing elementary teachers’ (N = 153) beliefs about mathematics and its teaching and learning, mathematics anxiety, and instructional practices in mathematics. When viewed singly, the findings reveal the teachers with higher levels of mathematics anxiety tend to use less standards‐based instruction and those with beliefs oriented toward a problem‐solving view of mathematics reported more standards‐based teaching. A combined analysis shows that after controlling for mathematical beliefs, teaching longevity, and educational degree attainment, there is no relationship between teachers’ mathematics anxiety and instructional practices. These findings suggest a spurious relationship between anxiety and practices, with beliefs having the strongest relationship with practices. Several suggestions for positively influencing the mathematical beliefs and affect in general of elementary teachers while learning mathematics are offered.